Welcome to lower school at Classical Christian Academy. We are grateful for your visit and would love to partner with your family.
Our lower school consists of students in Kindergarten through 6th grade. According to the classical education trivium, students at this age are in the grammar stage of learning. These students love to acquire knowledge. Learning by heart, or memorizing, is easy to do and engaging for the learner. At this stage, students enjoy chants, songs and rhymes that help them learn new topics. Our teachers select curriculum that is not only memorable but builds a foundation for student learning.
Along with traditional academics, our teachers serve with you as spiritual guides for your student. Not only in our Bible classes, but in every subject, our teachers point out how Christ reigns in all aspects of our lives. In addition to teaching gospel truths, we seek to promote Christ-like characteristics in our students.
Based on the trivium, 5th and 6th grade students are transitioning from the grammar stage to the logic stage. At CCA, we have found that these early Logic learners do well in this transition stage when they use familiar curriculum in math, science and language arts. As these students grow in their independence, they still have the consistency of the grammar stage as a bridge to middle school.
Our tradition at Classical Christian Academy is rooted in partnership. A key facet of our success lies within our partnership with parents. On home days, you will not be left alone to educate your child. Rather, our teachers are available for questions and are eager to assist you in your home instruction.
As you plan for the next step in your child’s education, please know that we are praying for you. We know choosing a school that fits the needs of your family is not a decision that should be taken lightly. We are excited for each new family that chooses to partner with CCA for their educational journey. We hope to hear from you soon,
In Christ,
Tabitha Dillehay
Peek into 1st - 6th grade at Classical Christian Academy.

We are always invited into relationship with God, and we can do that by studying the Bible. We've chosen to do that in K-2nd with "Old Story New" and "New Story Short" - and in 3rd-5th with "God’s Great Covenant." In 6th grade, students begin a three-year-long exploration of World Views through the lens of Christianity.

Children naturally love routine and order. That's the essence of math! All CCA students are tested and placed into math classes on their own level. For 1st - 6th grades, most students will be placed in classes utilizing the Saxon Math curriculum. It offers clear directions for the parents and students; daily math facts practice (which we do to improve mastery - not for testing); and a circular curriculum with lots of review and building upon previously introduced concepts.

In classical education, we explore language arts through five areas. In 1st - 4th grades we use several curriculi to explore and master these subjects. We teach Shurley Grammar for punctuation rules and proper sentence structure. Independent Excellence in Writing gives students step-by-step direction in composition, while Spelling Workout rounds out our writing instruction. Each class reads carefully chosen literature to explore comprehension and other reading skills.

In classical education, history is taught as a story. It is a story of progression through the arts, sciences and politics. Students are taken through four distinct time periods: Ancient Times (creation through A.D. 400), Medieval - Early Renaissance (400 - 1600), Renaissance - Early Modern (1600 - 1850); and Modern (1850 - present). During their historical exploration, students are naturally introduced to geographic study. Our History Day gives a memorable exploration of the time period studied each year.

God's creation is amazing! We spend these formative years exploring the world around us. Grammar students in all grades study the same parts of God's creation together, with the purpose of introducing vocabulary and concepts they'll explore again as they advance through Classical education. Each year, we choose one of Apologia's "Exploring Creation" texts: Botany, Astronomy, Swiming Creatures, Flying Creatures, Land Animals, and Human Anatomy & Physiology.

We recognize the importance rest and exercise have in healthy bodies and minds. As such, all lower-school students get two recess breaks: one indoor and one outdoor. At the end of the day, students participate in electives that explore music, arts, athletics, and educational games.