Welcome to Middle School at CCA! The school you choose for your child is a big decision, so we are thrilled you are exploring how CCA might fit for you and your family!
We hope you conclude our school in practice is what our name reflects – Classical, Christian, and Academic. Working with the natural bent of our 7th and 8th grade students, we apply Classical pedagogy in the classroom in several ways. Logic-stage learners are naturally interested in challenging ideas, arguing, and understanding the relationship between ideas or topics. Working with that natural bent, we aim to help our students learn how to think as they study informal and formal Logic, engage in various classroom discussions of literature, language, grammar and history, explore the world God made through science, and develop more complex problem solving skills in mathematics. In each context, the consistent foundation is a biblical worldview as teachers instruct with the understanding that all knowledge is God’s knowledge. Finally, we are an academy. An institution of education and learning. We want nothing more than to see our students flourishing in their knowledge of the Lord and in scholarly learning as well.
Parents of logic-stage learners can expect to be teachers, resources, and academic coaches for their student. You will spend time with your student on Tuesday and Thursday explaining concepts, reviewing already learned material and checking work for completion. Your partnership with us requires a hands-on commitment, but we have every confidence you will be blessed in that commitment. Afterall, it is a high call and high privilege to be responsible for shaping and teaching our children for the sake of Christ. We hope you will consider CCA as your partner to that end!
Joyfully His,
Christi Cecil
Assistant Principal
What you can expect in 7th & 8th grade.

In 6th grade, students begin a two-year-long exploration of World Views through the lens of Christianity. Students are taught God's biblical truths. Then, they begin an intense evaluation of their own beliefs in comparison to other world religions and world views. This guided study is done in class and at home with lots of time for thoughtful, personal reflection and discussion with parents.
In 8th grade, students explore their gifts and are challenged to explore ways they can use them to make an impact in our community.

All CCA students are tested and placed into math classes on their own level. Many Logic-age students will move from memorizing facts and applying them - to manipulating what they know. Most often, this starts with the study of Algebra. We've chosen Prentice Hall Mathematics for our Upper School curriculum.

In classical education, we explore language arts through five areas: writing, grammar, vocabulary, reading and comprehension. We use BJU Press to teach punctuation rules and proper sentence structure. We apply grammar to Independent Excellence in Writing, which gives students step-by-step direction in composition. Each class reads carefully chosen literature to explore comprehension and other reading skills. Vocabulary growth is paired with Latin, which allows students to explore the roots of much of our language.

We study Latin for a number of reasons. It is a systematic language that requires students to think in an orderly, organized way. Students learn to pay attention to small details, which pays off when studying math and science. Latin is also the foundation for other languages. The vocabulary, grammar, and syntax of English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian are all related. Studying Latin aids in a better understanding of students' native language, and prepares them for an introduction to Spanish in high school.

God's creation is amazing! We spend these years investigating General Science and Physical Science with the help of Apologia's Christian curriculum. At this stage, students enjoy connecting what they know from their studies of the Bible, and history to learn what inspired scientific discoveries and their consequences.

In 6th grade, students take their first geography-intense course. They learn the name and location of every country in the world, exploring cultures and applying what they've learned in previous historical studies.
In 7th and 8th, they revisit the story of history. It is a story of the progression through the arts, sciences, and politics. In Classical education, students are taken through four distinct time periods: Ancient Times (creation through A.D. 400), Medieval - Early Renaissance (400 - 1600), Renaissance - Early Modern (1600 - 1850); and Modern (1850 - present).

We recognize the importance rest and exercise have in healthy bodies and minds. As such, our students are given two short breaks to change books, and one outdoor recess after lunch. During last period, students participate in electives that explore art, athletics and academic challenges. Learn more about our electives.