We partner with families to classically educate and train students to love God and serve Him in all they do.
Classical Christian Academy seeks to nurture students who are committed disciples of Jesus Christ and are confident in God’s plan for their lives. Anchored with a Biblical Worldview and a love of learning, CCA students learn to pursue truth, goodness, and beauty.

Using our Statement of Faith as our guide, this is how we achieve our goals.
Graduate students who are committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
Parents, staff and students are encouraged to attend worship regularly and to be committed to personal, spiritual growth and maturity.
We encourage students to see and discover their identity in Christ through fellowship, discipline, God’s Word, and in-depth study.
CCA has a monthly chapel. The Lower School chapel focuses on helping our students understand and develop the character of Christ. In Upper School chapel, students expand their understanding of Christ’s character and learn to apply it for themselves in leadership.
The gospel of Jesus Christ permeates the day-to-day lessons taught in the classroom. Curriculum is chosen to share God’s world and truth with our students. Every part of life is seen as belonging to the Maker of heaven and earth.
We value teachers who, themselves, are committed followers of Christ. Our prayer is that our teachers make good role models for our students and encourage them in their own relationship with Christ.
Throughout CCA, students open each day with a time for prayer.
The Bible curriculum chosen begins by presenting Lower School students with a chronological teaching of the Bible. Because of this firm foundation, Upper School students are able to be challenged in their study of the Bible.
Our students are anchored with a Biblical Worldview.
We encourage parents and train staff to understand what biblical worldview is and its importance so we can all engage the students at every level. In short, biblical worldview teaches followers to filter all information through the truth found in the Bible.
Each subject’s curriculum has a biblical foundation undergirding it. Most curriculums chosen are Christian-based, but ultimately every subject is taught from a biblical worldview by our teachers and parents.
We teach a Biblical Worldview course in Upper School so students understand what a biblical worldview looks like in all aspects of life. This equips students to defend their worldview and to break through the opposing strongholds in the world.
We ask that all parents and staff members avoid highly debatable topics that tend to divide evangelical believers. Such topics would include mode of baptism, communion, gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the end times. Students are referred to their parents if a debatable topic of a theological nature should arise at school.
Our students pursue new ideas because they have been taught to love learning.
Teachers create interesting lessons that consider the different learning styles of their students, making learning more engaging.
Families are invited to participate in school-wide field trips that relate to subjects studied in school.
The entire school participates in the school’s History Day. Each year, CCA hosts this fair from a different time period, allowing the students to get a first-hand feel for that specific place in time and have fun while experiencing a piece of history.
Students are offered a variety of elective courses and encouraged to use their imagination and creativity as image-bearers of God, which then in turn encourages new ideas and passions.
We integrate subjects. This allows students to draw natural connections between subjects such as Latin and grammar, or history and literature.
Our students are articulate, confident, and able to discern and seek truth through scripture.
From a young age, students are encouraged to speak publically by giving speeches or presentations. This allows students to become more comfortable talking in front of others.
CCA teaches the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) curriculum, which encourages each child to discover new and unique ways to articulate and express themselves.
Students learn how to study the Scriptures for themselves using an inductive approach so they can dig out truth for themselves and not just have to rely on what others say the Scriptures teach.
Students in all grades are placed in on-level Math and Reading classes. The skills learned in these core subjects are naturally applied across other class work.
Our students are prepared to move into college or careers, confident in God’s plan for their lives.
Students are encouraged to complete a senior Capstone project under the guidance of a mentor. They study an area of significant personal interest and complete a project that integrates the direction they feel the Lord is leading them and articulates their bibilical worldview.
We intentionally teach our students to be independent learners. Early in their student’s education, parents are expected to provide more help. As students grow, they are taught to follow lesson plans, be responsible for their own assignments, speak to school leaders when concerns arise – all with the goal of teaching personal responsibility and respect for others.
We teach strategies for living successfully by teaching subjects such as study skills, leadership and personal finance. These subjects are applicable to any career plan to which God may lead them.
Our students are equipped to lead and serve.
All students are encouraged to serve in the community and within the school. Each grade has a minimum requirement for community service hours. We start serving in early elementary grades so students develop a heart of service.
CCA provides leadership opportunities through Student Council. Student Council’s elected officials are charged with representing the student body to school administrators and the Board of Directors. They are able to initiate changes in school policy. In addition, this group plans school-wide community service projects, raises money each month to donate to a non-profit organization of their choosing, and coordinates social activities.
Upper School students are taught that they are leaders and mentors within our school. They are given opportunities to serve Lower School students through our “Leaders and Readers” program where middle school students adopt a kindergarten student and spend time reading together each week. In addition, incoming kindergarten students are given a fifth-grade buddy to help them acclimate to our school environment. Leadership opportunities like these become daily practices as CCA students enjoy all-grade lunches, sharing recess time and our facilities.
The Elementary Grades conduct prayer partner groups, in which the 5th graders are the leaders of each group.
Lower School students have classroom jobs in order to instill responsibility and build character.
CCA partners with parents.
Online webinars train parents about the curriculum, classes and basic preparation so parents are better equipped for their homeschool days.
Partners and teachers are able – and encouraged – to communicate with one another. This happens through individual meetings, quarterly parent meetings, daily use of a communication folder, email and phone calls.
Teachers depend on parents to fulfill education requirements for homeschool days, working together for the best of the student. Parents are well informed of their child’s learning and are able to be an integral part of making learning meaningful at home and school.
Parents are required to serve as a Parent Partner at the school certain days of the year. Serving in this way gives parents a deeper understanding of how the school works and what is required of their child in the classroom.
Parents receive “good behavior” and “work alert” messages from the teachers as consistent feedback on their child’s character and education. CCA’s role in discipline is to reinforce moral training that is already being taught at home, not vice versa. CCA’s staff upholds the school’s view that the parents are first and foremost responsible for their child’s upbringing. The relationship between the parent and the teacher is based on trust and a mutual desire to honor the Lord Jesus Christ in all that is taught to our children.
Teachers provide lesson plans in two-week segments. This allows parents time to prepare and ask any questions they have about their role or the material to be covered at home.
We choose to Classically educate our students.
Teachers are trained in the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages of learning. They apply this information to each subject, as well as to different age levels, so that anytime a new subject is learned, we must begin at the grammar stage (memorizing facts) with that subject before we can move into the logic (analysis and reason) and rhetoric (expression) stages. For some subjects, all three stages will take place over the course of a class (Spanish, chemistry); other subjects require the students entire education to cover all three stages (math, writing, spelling).
Train and encourage teachers and parents to use socratic dialogue in teaching. This means they use questions to prompt children to discover the answer for themselves.
We teach formal logic and the correct methods of reasoning and argument.
Students study Latin in 1st – 8th grades. While considered a “dead” language, approximately 50% of our English words and 80% of Romance language words come from Latin. Understanding the origins of a word can help us acquire and decode our modern, living languages. In addition, Latin is an analytical language. To properly translate and use Latin, students must memorize the meanings of base words and consider the grammatical use and endings of each word in a sentence. When students study Latin, they are learning how to learn.
We use a formal writing program, Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) in 3rd grade through high school. It systematically teaches students to build articulate and eloquent sentences, paragraphs, essays and poetry. Through this program, students learn to communicate confidently and effectively.
History is taught in chronological order. In Lower School, this happens in a four-year cycle: Ancient History (the beginning of time through Jesus’ resurrection), Medieval Times (30 AD – 1456), Colonial America (1455-1707), and Modern History (1700 – modern times). In Upper School, students study Florida History and Geography, World Geography, American History, World History and Government Economics.
We help families with Lower School students learn together by utilizing multi-age curriculum in areas such as history, science and Bible. This means a family will study one unit together and students will do on-level assignments with that lesson.