Three times a year, CCA Parents gather together on a Tuesday Night. Each Parent Meeting is different, but they have the same essential flow.
Here's what you can expect.
They usually start around 6-ish and end around 8-ish. Water and light snacks are available, but you'll certainly want to eat before hand!
When you arrive, you'll sign in to earn House Points. These meetings are mandatory for at least one parent to attend. This is also how we take attendance.
We will meet as a big group. This is a moment for us to communicate with you important things in our community. If we have a guest speaker, this is the time we'll hear from them.
You will have time to meet with your teachers. In Lower School, you'll primarily see your homeroom teacher. If you'd like to meet with a math or reading teacher, you can arrange to meet with them. - - If you have an Upper School student, the teachers will all be in their rooms. If you have concerns, or if you have a funny story to tell or love to share, pop in to visit.
We will have House Meetings. All year long we are preparing for History Day. This is where that will happen.
We will meet with our Committees. Every CCA family serves on a committee. Sometimes this work takes place at home, but Parent Meetings give everyone a chance to meet and catchup.
That's it! We look forward to seeing you and helping you meet other like-minded parents at our special school!