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CCA Celebrates 14th Annual History Day: The Birth of a Nation

Classical Christian Academy Celebrates its 14th Annual History Day:

The Birth of A Nation

By Riley S. and the CCA Journalism Class

CCA History Day

6-March-2018 — North Fort Myers, Fla. — History Day is always the biggest event of the year for the CCA community! With the addition of the House System this school year, families were divided by houses to work on assigned stations depicting key events of the Revolutionary War and everyday life during the Colonial period of American history. Parents, students and staff members brainstormed and built some amazing experiences, and everyone learned a great deal about the Revolutionary War.

Interactive stations included the Boston Tea Party, a marketplace, a military encampment, a Revolutionary War map and timeline, Town Square, a church, Independence Hall and the British surrender at Yorktown. On this special day at CCA, history comes alive!

CCA History Day

Student Saar C is excited for History Day!

The Elliot House had two amazing booths for History Day. The first was a military encampment where the kids filled out an enlistment form, learned how to march and discovered what rations were. The second booth featured a battle map and a timeline of key events in the Revolutionary War. Students raced to place the events in order. Then they were introduced to spy techniques used during the war and challenged with decoding secret messages.

The Liddell House also created two fun stations. The Boston Tea Party booth included a 25-foot-long “ship” designed and assembled by Mr. Eisele and Mr. Rowe. The boat was constructed out of about 30 wooden pallets and eight sheets of plywood. Students greatly enjoyed reenacting the Boston Tea Party on History Day, shouting out in rebellion against British taxes and throwing boxes of “tea” overboard.

CCA History Day

Mrs. Cotarelo oversees one of our booths during History Day

“My favorite History Day booth was the Boston Tea party,” said CCA Ninth Grader Luke B. “We got to throw boxes off a wooden boat. Mrs. Moldovan also sang a remix of Taylor Swift!”

CCA History Day

Our parents get really involved in History Day!

At the Liddell Market, students earned coins to pay for housing and food items by “working” various jobs. They also learned about taxes and acts imposed by England like the sugar tax, which made buying supplies more difficult, and the Quartering Act, which forced American people to house and feed British soldiers.

The CCA lobby was converted to Town Square for History Day. This station, created by Carmichael House, included a school, a blacksmith and a bakery. At the schoolhouse, students learned that only boys were usually educated while girls learned (and worked) at home. At school, children learned the Bible and many of Aesop‘s fables. They were also taught to have good penmanship and wrote with chalk on slates. At home, girls were taught to do laundry by hand with a washboard and cook for the family. The blacksmith displayed a variety of handmade metal objects essential to survival, and the bakery offered a traditional snack of honey on buttered bread.

Carmichael’s second station was a traditional church. There, families would purchase a pew box, and no one else was allowed to sit there. The box closest to the pulpit was the most expensive. After church, while all the parents were talking, children liked to play games like Blind Man’s Bluff.

CCA History Day

Independence Hall, created by the Beverly family of Aylward House, was a huge focal point for the History Day festivities. It seemed to nearly reach the gymnasium ceiling with its clock-tower peak. At this important site, the Declaration of Independence was debated and adopted. Mr. DeFrance portrayed founding father Thomas Jefferson, and Mrs. Caldwell portrayed Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams and the second First Lady of the United States. The Aylward House’s second booth depicted the final British surrender at Yorktown in 1781. At this booth, students learned the terms of surrender, and students of all ages enjoyed horse races.

CCA History Day

Lower School Students enjoy History Day

“The map and timeline booth was my favorite because we got to learn about the different battles and who won,” said CCA 7th Grader Bryce C., reflecting on this fun day. “We also got to act like spies looking through clues!”

About Classical Christian Academy:

Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blend the best aspects of private and homeschooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c(3) organization. For more information, visit and like CCA on


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