Classical Christian Academy, a private hybrid school in North Fort Myers, participates in Salvation Army Canned Food Drive, with more community service to come.

CCA Student Council leaders plan community service events like the recent canned food drive for Salvation Army.
20-October-2014 – North Fort Myers, Fla. – Classical Christian Academy recently participated in the annual Salvation Army Canned Food Drive. This is the first of many community-service activities CCA students will be involved with this year.
CCA is a Christ-centered school, which loves to better its community through service projects. Since opening 11 years ago, the school has grown to more than 100 students and is looking to expand community service through Student Council. This body of student leaders helped organize the canned food drive and will continue to plan events throughout the school year.
“It’s a great mission to try and feed the hungry in our area,” said Student Council President Emily Dillehay. “Whatever CCA can do to help, we are willing and ready to do!”
This year CCA will host a cleaning day at the school in October to help maintain the rented space the school uses at Faith Assembly in North Fort Myers. The CCA community also plans to take part in the ECHO International Agriculture Conference in November, where students will serve meals to conference attendees. ECHO is an innovative agricultural organization in North Fort Myers working to fight world hunger.
At CCA, all students participate in community service. Whether it is donating cans to a Salvation Army food drive, spending time serving others, or even going on a mission trip, this school works hard to better the school, the community and the world.
“Doing community service helps our students learn to put others first,” Mrs. Christi Cecil, Upper School assistant principal said.
The canned food drive was open for donations from September 15-26 in the school lobby. Student Council added an exciting spin to this project by making it a competition between the Upper School (grades 6-12) and the Lower School (grades k-5).
CCA collected a total of 636 cans of food to donate to The Salvation Army. Upper School students brought in a few more cans than Lower School and were excited to be awarded a free dress down day. Students said they enjoyed having a friendly competition which also helped feed the hungry.
Release written by: Autumn Gates and Hallie Mueller, CCA Upper School student journalists.
About Classical Christian Academy:
Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blends the best aspects of private and home schooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c(3) organization. For more information, visit and like CCA on