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Fifth Grade CCA Students Earn Money to Raise Hope Around the World

Fifth grade students at  North Fort Myers hybrid school, Classical Christian Academy, are earning money to buy animals through World Vision.

The fifth grade class debates what animal they'll purchase next through World Vision.

The fifth grade class debates what animal they’ll purchase next through World Vision.

North Fort Myers, Fla. – April 29, 2015 – Fifth grade students at Classical Christian Academy, a hybrid school in North Fort Myers, are working together to raise money to purchase animals through World Vision. World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

The class was inspired by first grader Julia, who uses money her grandpa pays her for reading books to do good for others. When the fifth grade class talked about sacrificial giving and reflected on Julia’s efforts, the students came up with the idea to raise what they call Monkey Money.

“The students’ goal was to raise $25 by the end of the semester with the intent to buy two chickens,” explained their teacher, Tabitha Dillehay. “Well, they far surpassed their goal by raising that amount in the first three weeks.”

Each student in the class has donated to the program by earning money at home. They were encouraged to help with more than their normal chores and seek out opportunities where they could help someone in need. Some have come up with creative ways to increase the impact they can make. Claire manned a garage and bake sale with baked goods she prepared herself. Ryan helped mow the lawn for his grandparents. Andrew asked family members to pledge money for each goal he makes in his hockey games, and inspired other CCA students to do the same with their sports achievements.

“By taking part in this fundraising project, the children at Classical Christian Academy are learning an important lesson that can’t be found in a textbook,” says Carrie Swanson, World Vision’s Gift Catalog director.  “They are learning the benefits of generosity and the impact they can make on the world and the lives of children just like them.”

The class is purchasing the farm animals as they raise money. In January, the fifth graders purchased two chickens. Then, they purchased another two chickens, a goat and a bunny in February. In March, the class purchased a fishing kit and bunnies. In April, they purchased 13 small farm animals, a share of a pig and a share of a bee hive. The class is currently raising money for either a cow ($650) or a pig ($205) to purchase before the end of the school year on May 13. World Vision also offers opportunities to buy other animals including: alpaca, bull, donkey, ducks, sheep, rabbit, ox, and water buffalo.

“I’ve enjoyed watching them decide and vote on how to best use their Monkey Money,” said Mrs. Dillehay. “They have great debates about what they think would be the most valuable, what has the longest impact, what will make a difference in the shortest amount of time, what would be easiest to care for – the list goes on. They like to be informed givers, I like that about them.”

Since 1996, the World Vision Gift Catalog has given people the opportunity to better the lives of children, adults and communities in the U.S. and around the world through hundreds of gifts in all different areas of need: clean water, food, education, sexual exploitation, job training and others. In fiscal year 2014, more than 140,000 donors purchased more than 417,000 items from the Gift Catalog that helped more than 822,000 people around the world. To order from World Vision’s Gift Catalog, visit or call toll-free at 855-WV-GIFTS. You can also watch how the Gift Catalog works on YouTube.

What the students said:

“This helped me realize there are people who need stuff a lot more than me. This will encourage me to give more in the future.” Joel

“I like to do Monkey Money because it helps people in Africa live, and learn about the word of God.” Zoe

“My favorite purchase was buying a bunny.” Josh

“I am so glad I am helping others. I am so grateful that whoever I am helping, that they are having a wonderful life.” Madison

“My favorite purchase was when we gave two chickens and a goat.” Ryan

“I feel that giving helps me to see how much people need our help.” Dante

“My favorite purchase was buying a bunny.” Savannah

“This experience will inspire me to keep going because I love making people happy, seeing them smile, and giving to others.” Hannah

“My favorite purchase was is the fishing kit because people will have good fish to eat.” Christian

“I like donating money because you can help poor people who are less fortunate.” Andrew

“My favorite purchase was the goat and two chickens because the goat can give cheese and milk and the chickens give eggs.” Mackenzie

“My favorite purchase was the 13 small farm animals because all of those little animals can make a big difference.” Claire

“I feel good about changing lives. I wonder if we were the kids starving and thirsty, how we’d feel if we received the animals.” Alan

About World Vision

World Vision is a Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. For more information on our work, visit or follow us on Twitter @WorldVisionNews.

About Classical Christian Academy

Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blends the best aspects of private and home schooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c(3) organization. For more information, visit and like CCA on


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