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History Day Brings Middle Ages to Life for CCA Students


North Fort Myers, Fla. –– Here ye, here ye: A new king and queen have been crowned in the land of the Mavericks! Classical Christian Academy held its annual History Day event on March 18. This year’s theme was the Middle Ages. 

Volunteers helped transform CCA’s gymnasium into a full-fledged kingdom in one day. The kingdom had everything from a marketplace to an apothecary. Students got the opportunity to walk among the sets and perform different tasks that would’ve been common during the era. The tasks ranged from making butter to jousting. In total, there were eight booths, each with its own activity for students to enjoy, bringing the Medieval Age to life.

“History day gives students an upfront, hands-on learning experience,” said Mrs. Cara Lombardo, kindergarten teacher at CCA. 

The crowning of Queen Cara at History Day 2016.

The crowning of Queen Cara at History Day 2016.

She and her husband, Tony, had the honor of portraying the king and queen. They were coronated by the pope during a ceremony following a royal feast. The meal included a smoked chicken leg, and entertainment was provided by CCA’s student violinists. The event also included a traditional Horn Dance.

King and Queen Lombardo were crowned as the leaders of the Mavericks.

King and Queen Lombardo were crowned as the leaders of the Mavericks.

Transforming the school into a Medieval kingdom was no easy task. Every CCA family was asked to create a family crest and assigned to help with one of the booths. With creativity and carpentry skills, each team of six-to-eight families managed to build an amazing booth filled with Medieval sights, sounds, tastes and smells. One group constructed a castle and featured jousting (with cardboard swords and mini-knights). The marketplace offered baked goods, hair adornments and leather goods. 

The Apothecary at CCA's History Day event.

The Apothecary at CCA’s History Day event.

The team led by Mrs. Shannon Schram, CCA history teacher, was in charge of building the apothecary. Its design required the acquisition of 20 wooden pallets. Parents helped by bringing in supplies, while Mrs. Alison Cotarelo, CCA science teacher, helped students conduct experiments.

“I think it gave them the opportunity for hands-on learning and made history come alive for them,” Mrs. Schram said.

The intensive planning and set up for History Day pays off in student enrichment, say parents, teachers and students alike. 

“My favorite part of history day is when all is set up and running smoothly,” said Mrs. Michelle Allbritton, chair of the CCA Special Events Committee. “I love to see all the hard work that everyone puts into their props and costumes.” 

Upper School students get ready to pass through the castle doors and into History Day.

Upper School students get ready to pass through the castle doors and into History Day.

Many colorful characters attended the festivities, such as princesses, knights, peasants, monks, a jester and even the Grim Reaper. Students captured memories with a photo booth, donated by Bash Booths, which included fun props like hats, a scepter and a rubber chicken. 

History Day is an annual event which the entire school community looks forward to each year. 

“It kind of makes you feel like you’re going back in time in a time machine,” said fifth-grader Susanna G.

Story written by CCA student journalist Levi G.

About Classical Christian Academy:

Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blends the best aspects of private and home schooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c(3) organization. For more information, visit and like CCA on

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