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New Music Program at CCA


New Music Program at CCA

At CCA, we love the arts! We believe that God has blessed our students with many different talents. It is so exciting when we can see students glorifying God with those gifts. One of those gifts we love to see is the gift of music. Psalm 150 says, “Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and the lyre, praise Him with timbrel and dancing, praise Him with the strings and the pipe.”

Music CCA

Miss Sarah teaches a group of our Lower School students how to use the recorder!

Music is a way we worship God and we want to provide a way for our Mavericks to do just that! This year at CCA we have found a music school in Fort Myers who is helping us do just that. Focus Music Academy is located in Downtown Fort Myers and their mission is to help teach children in our community to develop a passion for music. Several of their teachers and staff members use their musical gifts to honor the Lord as well.

Music CCA

Three of our Lower School ladies are ready for their group voice lesson!

“God really opened a door when we discovered them,” says Stacie Smith, Elective Coordinator.

“Mrs. Davis and I met with them over the summer and everything just clicked.”

Music CCA

Lower School Student, Bradley is enjoying his one on one drum lesson!

Focus Music Academy has teamed up with our elective program and now students in both Upper and Lower school are receiving group and one on one instruction in voice, drums, guitar and more! We are so excited to bring such excellent music instructors to our students and we are so excited to see them grow and learn.

About Classical Christian Academy:

Classical Christian Academy is the premier hybrid school in Southwest Florida. CCA offers families an academically rigorous and Christ-centered K-12 education option that blend the best aspects of private and homeschooling. Classical Christian Academy is a registered 501c(3) organization. For more information, visit and like CCA on

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