The teachers at CCA are partners with the families of our school. The teacher’s role is to work with the parents to instruct and train students in all subject areas assigned by the administration. Included in those expectations are planning, reporting, and communication with the administration. Further, the teachers will seek to establish and maintain an environment in the classroom, which promotes growth and maturity; this includes spiritual, academic, emotional, social and physical growth. The teacher’s role in discipline is to reinforce moral training that is already being taught at home, not vice versa. The Teachers uphold the school’s view that the parents are first and foremost responsible for their child’s education. The relationship between the parent and the teacher will be based on trust and a mutual desire to honor the Lord Jesus Christ in all that is taught to our children.

Teacher affirms that, as part of the qualifications for this position, he or she is a “born again” Christian who knows the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. (I John 3:3; I Peter 1:23).
Teacher gives testimony that he or she has a sense of God’s will, that teaching is his or her calling, and that teaching in a classical Christian school is God’s direction for him or her.
Teacher agrees with and believes in the CCA Statement of Faith and Standards of Leadership and understands the importance of upholding it.
Regular attendance at a local Christian church is important to the staff and families at CCA. Just as we ask our parents, we ask our staff to make church attendance important. Before consideration of employment, all staff must have a positive letter of reference from their pastor or a church leader. This reference form will be updated after three years for consideration of continued employment.
Teacher accepts without verbal or mental reservations all applicable policies outlined in the CCA Staff and Faculty Handbook and CCA Operations Manual.
Teacher has spiritual maturity, academic ability, and personal leadership qualities to be able to partner with parents to “train up a child in the way he should go.” Proverbs 22:6.
Teacher will be able to serve as a mentor for our students with exemplary, godly character.
Teacher will successfully pass and submit to a thorough national and state background check. This will include fingerprinting. (Not needed if you have current Florida Certification)
It is preferred that applicants have prior homeschooling experience or experience teaching in a hybrid model school. Given our model, employment is part-time.
A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in the field teacher is applying and relevant experience.
Teachers are expected to follow these general guidelines in their capacity as professional educators:
Guide the academic training by teaching in the classroom and writing the lesson plans for the other two home education days.
Uphold and enforce school rules, administrative regulations, school board policies, and support the goals and objectives of the school.
Attend and participate in faculty meetings, in-service sessions and other designated school meetings
Maintain a professional attitude in relationship with other persons and manifest a “team” spirit with co-workers and administration.
Maintain a personal appearance that is professionally appropriate.
Maintain effective communication with students, parents, team members, faculty, office staff and administration.
Maintain accurate and complete school records.
Employ a variety of instructional aids, methods and materials that will provide for creative teaching to reach the whole child: Mental, spiritual, physical, social and emotional.
Be fully committed to the pursuit of a lifestyle, on and off the job, consistent with the Statement of Faith of CCA, compatible with historical biblical standards of morality, reflecting the message, mission, and character of Jesus Christ.